Peachtober Day 12: Lava.📦
‘The floor is lava!’

I was reminiscing about what me and my brothers would do during the weekends and the holidays, when we were little. I remember playing together for hours, pretending we were students at Hogwarts, or the owners of a hotel, or professional skaters, and so much more. We could imagine a whole world inside our bedrooms, and really felt like it was real. We played carelessly, and really got lost in our own imaginable worlds.

I love looking back on those days and wanted to capture the playfulness of children, with a silly game that kids could play for hours without being bored: the floor is lava. I thought of a good setting setting for this illustration, and for me an old, dusty attic is a room full of memories and hidden treasures. So I feel it combines my two ideas, for this prompt! This one was, as until now, the hardest one to come up with, during Peachtober!
What did you play when you were little?

@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
#peachtober22 #peachtober #furrylittlepeach #promptlist #creativeprompts #creativeprocess #illustrationprocess #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #inktober #october #dailydrawing #dagelijksetekening
#peachtoberday12 #sketchdaily #kinderboekenillustratie #childrenbookillustration #lava #thefloorislava #lavadrawing #lavaillustration #oldattic #olddustyattic #schattenopzolder #zolder #spelenopzolder #attic


'We will find a way.'


'If you get a chance, take it.'