Peachtober Day 14: Town. 🪶
‘Goodnight, birdies.’
An illustration of a little town of birdhouses where all kinds of birds are living together in a big, beautiful tree.
In my family we always had a lot of birds living with us, and when we got out of our house, for example on a trip, we would always go looking for a lot of birds in the wild. So safe to say, when I moved out of the house, having a lot of birds in our garden was a must. Maybe this little birdtown would be the dream?!😊
@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
#peachtober22 #peachtober #furrylittlepeach #promptlist #creativeprompts #creativeprocess #illustrationprocess #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #inktober #october #dailydrawing #dagelijksetekening
#peachtoberday14 #sketchdaily #kinderboekenillustratie #childrenbookillustration #animaldrawing #dailyanimaldrawing #dierentekenen #dierentekening #birdhouses #vogelhuisjes #nestkastjes #birds #town #birdtown
'If you get a chance, take it.'