Peachtober Day 26: Land.🪨
‘The right spot to land.’

Choose your right spot to land, enjoy the view and make the most of it while you’re there. Sometimes we doubt a lot when we have to make choices in life of where we’re headed. But sometimes we just have to make that bold decision to land and to be open for the opportunities that are in that spot. Seeing where it takes you, while enjoying the view.

@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
#peachtober22 #peachtober #furrylittlepeach #promptlist #creativeprompts #creativeprocess #illustrationprocess #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #inktober #october #dailydrawing #dagelijksetekening
#peachtoberday26 #sketchdaily #kinderboekenillustratie #childrenbookillustration #animaldrawing #dailyanimaldrawing #dierentekenen #dierentekening #puffin #papegaaiduiker #fratercula #puffinbird


'The little things.'


'You'll get there.'