Peachtober Day 3: Cowboy.🐴
‘When I grow up, I want to be a…’
A little kid with big dreams, believing that everything is possible, if you just want it bad enough. When we grow older, we become more cautious and less brave with our dreams. We dream smaller and think of dreams that to us seem more achievable or realistic, when other dreams seem too risky or big. I love the way kids dream, without any limits, any fear, or any self doubt and just extremely bold. I believe we can learn a lot from children, and dreaming boldly is one of them.
Sometimes we seem to hold back, and settle for something that isn’t really our dream, because our actual dreams scare us. And we are too afraid to take the leap. But what if that dream isn’t too big? And what if we actually went for it? Set some time aside every week, to take a little baby step to work towards that big goal, and after a few weeks, that big dream won’t seem so big anymore, but will suddenly feel achievable.
Who did you want to become when you were younger? And would your younger self be proud of how far you’ve come? Or would he or she say that you held back, or made yourself smaller to not stand out in the crowd?
@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
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