Peachtober Day 5: Bow.🎀
‘Choose the right story.’

What kind of story would you love people to read about you? Would you want to change anything about your current story? How it’s going and what you’re doing on a day to day basis? We can always choose to turn our story into a different direction. Flip the page, change the chapter or start a whole new book!

Go and write that story, that you’ve always dreamed of, and let people read it. Maybe they will be inspired, motivated, intrigued, moved,… by it. But the most important thing of it all, choose the right one for you, and the one that fits into your style of writing. And don’t forget to include the people you love the most, into these stories.

@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
#peachtober22 #peachtober #furrylittlepeach #promptlist #creativeprompts #creativeprocess #illustrationprocess #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #inktober #october #dailydrawing #dagelijksetekening #peachtoberday5 #sketchdaily #kinderboekenillustratie #childrenbookillustration #childrenbooks #libraryillustration #bibliotheekillustratie #bibliotheek #library #flyingbooks #bow #strik


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