Peachtober Day 17: Snow.❄️
‘Come along for the ride, my little friends.’
Today is the first birthday of my godson, and I was thinking of what I wish for him and how I want to be able to help him with those things.
I want him to live a life filled with adventures, love, laughter, wonder, friendships, explorations, travels, time with family, support, and a lot of experiences to learn from. And I want to be the one that comes along for the ride, and joins in on whatever road he’s on. To be his companion and to be the most enthusiastic cheerleader he’s ever seen, cheering him on and supporting him with every step he takes. To see the sparkle in his pretty eyes, when he’s laughing and finds the things he loves. To give him a hand, when he wants to take a big leap, but isn’t quite sure yet what’s on the other side. To carry him when it get’s too heavy or hard, and to be his flashlight in the dark. I want him and his two sisters to have a full life and I want to help them, to make the most of it.
Happy birthday, little one, I’m so proud to be your godmother. 💛
@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
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'You're safe with us, little one.'