Peachtober Day 18: Wing.🪶
‘Winging it.’

This Indian Paradise Flycatcher catches flies and insects while flying, and sometimes that means acting really quick and in the moment, without any preparations: just winging it.

I wanted to illustrate the wings of a bird, but also this saying, that means improvising. Because I’ve always been someone that loves to prepare myself, and to have everything nailed down before I take another step. But lately, I’ve learned that sometimes we just have to wing it and go with it.
Improvising and just going with it, without really knowing what the next steps will be, is always a bit scary to me, and I feel that I sometimes hold myself back because of this fear. But I’ve been following a course for my side business, and it has opened my eyes, that we can’t always make everything perfectly, we sometimes have to just go and see what comes next. We can’t control what people are going to say, do or think, and sometimes that means going into a different direction than you prepared yourself for. It sometimes means going with the flow that is presented to you, instead of holding on to your first well-thought out plan.

Are you the type that loves to wing it in life? Or are you a planner?😊

@peachtober @furrylittlepeach
#peachtober22 #peachtober #furrylittlepeach #promptlist #creativeprompts #creativeprocess #illustrationprocess #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #inktober #october #dailydrawing #dagelijksetekening
#peachtoberday18 #sketchdaily #kinderboekenillustratie #childrenbookillustration #animaldrawing #dailyanimaldrawing #dierentekenen #dierentekening #indianparadiseflycatcher #terpsiphoneparadisi #indiaseparadijsmonarch #flyingbirds #wing #catchinginsects #birddrawings #vogelstekenen


'Come along for the ride, my little friends.'


'Home is where you make it.'